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Moving Beyond Procrastination, Distraction and Overwhelm with EFT Tapping

Have you ever felt stuck? Do you have a project or task you want to work on that you just can't seem to start. Or perhaps you're great at starting things, but can't seem to finish. Perhaps you have a long held vision for your life. Yet, somehow you just aren't bringing those dreams and desires to fruition. Do you find yourself feeling frustrated and overwhelmed? You tell yourself, "I promise, I'll work on that project right after breakfast."

But after breakfast you decide to do laundry instead. After all that needs to get done anyway. Or perhaps you take a nap because you'll need to be fully resourced once you do get going. Or maybe it's just watching yet another video on Youtube, or daydreaming, or doing anything except what you truly want to do.

Why do so many of us find it so hard to do the things we desire? We'll explore some of the stories that lie behind these dynamics and the emotional turmoil these stories create. We'll use EFT Tapping to turn down the volume on these blocks to our productivity so we can banish them for good and finally be living the life of our dreams.