The Dark Side Of Practicing Gratitude & What You Can Do Instead!

The Dark Side Of Practicing Gratitude & What You Can Do Instead!

Practicing gratitude can leave us at the whims of external forces for our happiness. It can leave us dependent on something outside ourselves to feel good. But if we take ownership for our part and we celebrate ourselves, we are putting the power for our well being in our hands. We are empowering ourselves  to take control over our emotional well being and create the opportunity for feeling good.

Your Connection Can't Wait: Wabi-Sabi And Kintsugi, Finding Beauty In Nature's Imperfection!

Your Connection Can't Wait: Wabi-Sabi And Kintsugi, Finding Beauty In Nature's Imperfection!

Nature, in all its glory, is rarely perfect. Trees bear the marks of time, flowers wilt, and landscapes show the scars of change. And has my Facebook posts have shown this week, sea critters can wash ashore in vast numbers to dissolve upon the beach.Yet, there's an undeniable beauty in this very imperfection. This is the essence of wabi-sabi and kintsugi, two Japanese philosophies that can deepen our connection with the natural world and with ourselves.

Why Me?

Why Me?

Perhaps for you self-doubt shows up in a different way perhaps you don’t struggle with any of the things that I struggled with​. ​M​aybe self-doubt shows up in you with its own flavor. Or maybe you can relate to some of the things that I shared. ​What does your story look like and what are the things holding you back? Whether they look similar to mine or not, we all have stories that don’t serve us, we all have traumas to overcome.

Why You Should NEVER Accept Nor Ask For Help!

Why You Should NEVER Accept Nor Ask For Help!

Accepting help is obviously a weakness. Right? After all, we live in a world that often glorifies independence. We're bombarded with messages about self-reliance, pulling ourselves up by the bootstraps, and conquering challenges alone. But the truth is, humans are social creatures. We thrive on connection and collaboration. And one of the most powerful ways to deepen those connections and achieve success is by accepting help.

Ten Ways To Deepen Your Connection To Nature

Ten Ways To Deepen Your Connection To Nature

Spending time in nature provides many benefits for our physical and mental health. Studies show that being outdoors in natural environments lowers stress, blood pressure, and heart rate. The sights, sounds, and smells of nature have a calming effect that can help relieve anxiety and depression. Walking in the woods or sitting by a lake gives our minds a chance to unplug and recharge. Exposure to greenspace also boosts concentration and creativity. The innate peacefulness of the natural world encourages reflection and mindfulness. Taking children outdoors helps them develop empathy as they observe wildlife. Connecting with nature builds appreciation for the environment, making us more likely to take actions that protect the planet. Even short breaks in a garden or park allow us to destress and feel restored. Regular visits to natural places support overall wellbeing.

No matter where you are, indoors or out, in a remote wilderness or sitting in your front yard, there is always a way to deepen your connection with the natural world. Here are ten examples:

How To Live a More Empowered Life!

How To Live a More Empowered Life!

We often underestimate the power of the questions we ask ourselves. Our minds are wired to seek answers, and the questions we pose can significantly influence our thoughts, emotions, and actions. However, not all questions are created equal. The way we frame our inquiries can determine whether we foster growth, resilience, and empowerment or succumb to self-doubt and negativity.