Unlocking “Your” Inner Healing

Unlocking “Your” Inner Healing

Have you been feeling trapped in unhealthy patterns that are limiting you? Has emotional pain been holding you back? Are past traumas weighing you down? If you said yes to any of these questions, I invite you to read one clients journey and discover how they shifted lifelong struggles. Her story could inspire you and pave the way for your own breakthrough.

"I have been incredibly blessed to be working with Gregg for the past 5 months. This year I was faced with a very challenging health condition. The sort of thing that to heal from it, they say you need to dig deep into ALL aspects of your life, find what is not truly working, and change it. After the initial shock and then many months of addressing things on a physical level, I knew I still needed to address how events of my childhood were negatively impacting my health. That is when I reached out to Gregg and began doing weekly sessions with him.

Gregg is by nature a highly intuitive healer. He is a truly expert EFT practitioner. And a wonderful, supportive, encouraging coach. In the beginning of working with Gregg I showed up at the start of so many of our sessions together in tears and overwhelmed and honestly lost, triggered unknowingly into my past and current traumas. Gregg has such a calm and supportive demeanor, and a kind, warm and open heart, that you immediately know you are in a safe space. I always feel deeply seen, heard, and understood by Gregg. With his support and guidance, I have been able to go into the deepest parts of myself, parts that had been shut down and closed off since childhood. With Gregg’s expert help, I have been able to understand myself much more deeply. And working with Gregg I have shifted, healed, and released so many things in my psyche that were directly and indirectly impacting my physical health, as well as my mental and emotional health.

Before working with Gregg I basically went thru life being constantly triggered into past traumas, struggling without having much of a clue about what was really going on. On the surface I led a happy enough life, but underneath I now know how very unhappy I really was. After working with Gregg, it is now rare for me to trigger into a past trauma. And when it does happen, I can now identify it in the moment and have tools to deal with it. I now experience what I know is true happiness and I am a far more resilient person than I was before. This deep work is having a very positive impact on my physical health.

Gregg has a way to tuning in and knowing exactly what to say and how to guide someone. Countless times he has asked me just a simple question, but his question was the exact thing that allowed me to open up a part of myself that I had been ignoring or refusing to look at. And because Gregg creates such a safe environment for self-exploration, as soon as I even contemplate his question the whole thing begins to shift and heal. This is the power of being in a safe space and deeply held and witnessed by someone who is such a talented healer as Gregg is."

-- Amy L.

If you are ready to embark on your own journey to lasting well-being let's get on a call together so I can learn more about you and we can explore what supports would best serve you. You can reach out here or just send me a message and we can explore what best supports you.