Permission To Play

Permission to PLAY!

Have you ever watched a video of lion cubs wrestling, puppies falling all over each other or kids making castles in the sand or playing in mud puddles. It looks like so much fun. They do so with such abandon and joy that you can’t help but smile. After all, play is fun. But it is so much more than that as well.

Whether human or animal, play is such an integral part of young lives. Play helps us build our neural pathways, improve cognitive function, develop our physical bodies, learn problem solving, develop our social skills and enhance our emotional well being.

This is not only true as children. Play is equally important in our adult lives as well. Play releases endorphins that relieve stress and increase joy. Play stimulates creativity, fosters stronger relationships, boosts brain power and allows us to restore and reset.

In our busy lives, it can sometimes be hard to make time for play. Perhaps we feel there are more important things to do. Maybe we don’t value play or we see it as frivolous. Yet play improves all aspects of our lives.

I know for myself as much as play is a value of mine, I sometimes struggle to make it a priority amidst the busyness of life. This past weekend, I had planned on getting some business work done on Saturday with the goal of attending a nourishing workshop in the evening. As a treat for all my hard work on Saturday I was going to give myself the pleasure of joining friends at an event on Sunday.

I however, did not do what I had intended to get done on Saturday. Truth be told, I did not even attempt much of it. Though I have a better and better handle on working with my own procrastination, some days it still shows up more than i’d like. Saturday was one such day.

I was trying to be compassionate with myself in that process and even so a part of me was saying, now I really need to double down on work on Sunday to make sure i get things done. And in fact sometimes that might be valid.

But after spending time connecting with others on Saturday night i realized my “play” tank was way too low. Though there was a part of me that felt anxious about not using Sunday as a catch up day, i knew I would be better served by using the day to refill my tank.

In fact with an empty play tank, it might have been hard to get much done and I risked repeating the cycle of Saturday. So instead I gave myself permission to play. It was a very nourishing day.

Today (Monday) I felt so thankful for my playtime yesterday and so productive as a result of that vital reset. I was able to move through my tasks with much greater flow and ease.

How are you giving yourself permission to play?

If you’re looking for an opportunity to play, I have just the thing for you. I’ve just scheduled my first forest bathing experiences for the summer. They are great way to get more connected with friends, lovers, coworkers and most importantly with yourself.

The first experience is on mothers day, so come along and bring your mother or anyone else you want to share the experience with. Whether with your mother or anyone else, I look forward to the opportunity to engage our sense of play together in the forests of San Francisco.

Here’s what one guest had to say:

“I have always turned to nature as a source of renewal and connection to myself and to the world. As I enter a time of much transition in my life, I knew that I needed to connect with nature in deeper, more intentional ways. When the opportunity to attend a forest therapy walk with Gregg Berman came up, I did not hesitate. What I experienced, in community with eight other beautiful souls, was a carefully tended and profound container for the depth of connection I was seeking. More, I learned specific practices that I can use at other times to draw wisdom and healing from natural places in new ways. I will definitely attend future walks.” -Michaela D.


For all the particulars, to find additional dates or to snag your spot, head to my

AirBnB Experiences page

or reach out to schedule a custom experience of your own.