Tropical Islands and Overcoming Procrastination and Overwhelm

Tropical Islands and Overcoming Procrastination and Overwhelm


I had expected to wake up on a white sandy beach feeling the warmth of the morning sun kissing my skin. The sweet, salty smell of the mangroves wafting through my nostrils. There would have been dolphins leaping gracefully just offshore. The sounds of their splashing intermingled with that of ospreys and pelicans diving for their next meal. I’d experienced this all before, many years ago. I felt excited to return to experience the barrier islands of Florida’s Everglades National Park, once again.


Instead like all of us, life took a very unexpected turn. For sure, i was incredibly disappointed to have to cancel my adventure. At the same time, I’d long dreamed of just having some time off work with nothing to do. Time to catch up on all those tasks that never get done. And here it was, that time being presented to me. I actually approached the time with excitement for all i would do. But as day after day ended with nothing accomplished, that excitement and promise quickly turned to anger, sadness, frustration and disappointment. What was wrong with me I lamented, that I could not get my desired tasks accomplished? Certainly there was the collective pain of the global pandemic. Yet there was something more subtle and insidious impacting my nervous system.


Have you ever felt stuck, unable motivate yourself to do something you need or even want to do. Maybe it’s a project for work. Doing your taxes, preparing for a journey or perhaps it’s a long held vision for your life. Yet somehow there are too many blocks in your way. Fears of not being enough. Stories of “this is too hard or too big” or “I don’t know how”, or “nobody will love or approve of me, I’ll be outcast and abandoned.” Your stories may be different entirely. Perhaps you don’t even know what those stories are because they are buried so deep in your psyche. 


The outcome however is procrastination, distraction and overwhelm. Perhaps you get everything done except the task you were really wanting to accomplish. Perhaps you use food, TV,  sleep or something else as an escape. These are all defense mechanisms we use to protect ourselves from feeling uncomfortable emotions. And to make matters worse, it is so easy to castigate and berate ourselves for not taking action. But what if we could be compassionate with ourselves. What if we could explore the pain and wounding that has often been stuck inside us since childhood. What if we could release that pain to create a more empowered experience for ourselves? 


This was not the first time I’d dealt with procrastination and overwhelm in my life. In fact it has been a fairly constant companion. Part of that has been owing to my ADD brain that creates real physical barriers. We are all born with certain limitations and certain gifts. Yet often we don’t fully explore the gifts because of the stories we create, the productive habits and the limiting beliefs. The shelter in place offered me more time to be present to my avoidance, distraction and procrastination patterns when i could not do anything else. As painful as that felt, it was also illuminating. Using EFT Tapping, I unearthed my wounds of “not enoughness”, “I don’t know how” and more that lie beneath the patterns.


Self compassion and a way to calm our over worked nervous systems is something we can all use right now. In fact it's something we can all use even in the best of times. To acknowledge where we struggle, put practices in place to support us in working towards a more empowering experience and above all to be compassionate with ourselves when we struggle to live up to our own expectations. 


EFT Tapping has been such a gift at reprogramming my brain. In the past few months I’ve set up my first ever morning routine that i’ve been doing without fail. That’s something I’ve wanted for years but until now, it had never become anything more than another unfulfilled desire. I’ve taken up juggling with the juggling set i bought, that sat unused for the last 6 years. I’ve learned speed reading and I’m writing this letter to you. I’ve set up weekly virtual forest therapy walks despite all the fears and resistance I had to doing so. I’ve put in place systems to accomplish what i want throughout the day and the week. In short I’ve moved myself from a place where i lacked the self confidence that i would do something I set before me to knowing i can set a goal and complete it. And maybe even make the process fun. It’s a whole new paradigm.

I’m still learning, still growing and improving upon my patterns. Yet when i do falter, I am compassionate with myself and I have the tools to move past my blocks. I want to support you in having those tools as well, giving you a new sense freedom and self confidence. The ability to manifest exactly what you desire. Join me this Saturday for my workshop on Moving Beyond Procrastination, Distraction and Overwhelm with EFT Tapping. We'll use EFT Tapping to turn down the volume on the blocks to our productivity so we can banish them for good and finally be living the life of our dreams.



If you could use more individualized support, contact me and let’s schedule a session or a time to discuss if EFT is right for you.

To learn more about EFT or Forest Therapy visit my website at

Moving Beyond Procrastination, Distraction and Overwhelm with EFT Tapping Worshop May 30th.

My next Virtual Forest Therapy Walk (donation based) is May 31st.

Results others have gotten with EFT. 

Praise for forest therapy. 

To support community during these unusual times I'm offering $25 off the regular individual sessionprice and an additional $30 off the already discounted 3 session package.